Distribution of the toll of civilian victims killed at the hands of the parties to the conflict across the governorates.

The parties to the conflict
Syrian Regime forces
Russian forces
Hay’at Tahrir al Sham
Factions of the Armed Opposition
SDF (mainly PYD)
International Coalition forces
Other parties

Distribution of the toll of civilian victims killed at the hands of the parties to the conflict over the years.

Distribution of the toll of civilian victims killed at the hands of the parties to the conflict by gender.

According to SNHR's database, we can distribute the victims according to the governorate they were killed in, as well as the governorate they are from, as we’ve done in the statistics provided here. The objective of distributing the victims according to the governorate they are from is to indicate the level of losses that each governorate has suffered, which will help in later guiding and strengthening the course of transitional justice.