Syrian Network For Human Rights

Syrian Network for Human Rights is an independent, neutral, non-governmental, non-profit human rights organization, which aims to document the ongoing human rights violations in Syria, and periodically issuing reports, studies and researches by applying the highest-levels of objectivity and professionalism, as a first step in order to expose and hold perpetrators accountable, and to ensure the victims' rights

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Episodes and Pains in International Women’s Day

  Languages Available In English عربي   The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) issued many studies supported with facts, personal accounts, and data about the violations against...

At Least 30 Attacks on Vital Facilities in February 2014

I. Executive Summary: In February 2014, the Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) documented at least 30 attacks on vital facilities, distributed according to the...

Barrel Bombs are being dropped Throughout Syria

Introduction Tafas city is located in southern Daraa governorate. The city administratively follows al Mzayreeb county, and has a strategically important location. A URL showing the...

No less than 1010 Cases of Arbitrary Arrest in February 2014

I. Introduction   The ongoing and daily process of documenting detainees comes with additional challenges for SNHR that have been documenting detainees since 2011. One of...

Medical Personnel Victims in February 2014

I. Report summary: The Syrian Network for Human Rights' team documented the killing of six medical personnel in February 2014, including a doctor and two...

Violation against media activists during February 2014

Languages Available In English عربي   Violations against those who work in the field of media in the Syrian arena haven’t stopped since the beginning of the...


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