Syrian Network For Human Rights

Syrian Network for Human Rights is an independent, neutral, non-governmental, non-profit human rights organization, which aims to document the ongoing human rights violations in Syria, and periodically issuing reports, studies and researches by applying the highest-levels of objectivity and professionalism, as a first step in order to expose and hold perpetrators accountable, and to ensure the victims' rights

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Comprehensive report of using chemical weapons by Syrian government›s 25 times in 5 provinces of Syria

Syrian Network for Human Rights› team conducted separate investigation for each case of using chemical weapons by Syrian Armed Forces inside Syrian territories. The team...

The Documentation of Kafr Batna Massacre in Damascus Suburbs on Tuesday 2/7/2013

At the morning of Tuesday 2 July 2013, Kafr Batana city was extensively bombed by government forces. The attacks targeted areas in the city...

Death toll in June 2013

2588 victims Syrian citizens were killed; including 924 armed rebel, 1664 civilian, 267 children, 193 women , and 198 tortured to death including 4...

The Wells’ Massacres in Rasm al Nafel Village, Western Aleppo Suburbs

An Ethnic-Cleansing Massacre in Syria Report Methodology This report methodology draws upon the investigations carried out by SNHR team with a number of residents and activists,...

Comprehensive Documented Report on Torture Methods

According to the last survey conducted by the Syrian Network for Human Rights, at least 194,000 Syrian citizens were detained by the Syrian regime’s...

Grave and persistent violations of women’s rights in the context of the conflict in Syria

In the context of the current internal armed conflict in Syria , violence against women has dramatically increased. Syrian women have been exposed to...


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