Syrian Network For Human Rights

Syrian Network for Human Rights is an independent, neutral, non-governmental, non-profit human rights organization, which aims to document the ongoing human rights violations in Syria, and periodically issuing reports, studies and researches by applying the highest-levels of objectivity and professionalism, as a first step in order to expose and hold perpetrators accountable, and to ensure the victims' rights

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The Arrest of an Activist from the SNHR in Syria

The individual were arrested in their home at 5am without earlier notice or arrest warrant. No charges were laid. The house in located in the...

Alawite Opposition Figures are being arrested and tortured and their lives are at risk

SNHR fears for of the Alawites opposition activists: Mr. Ali Rahmoun and Mr. Abd Al Aziz Al Khair as they are being subjected to...

A statement by the Syrian Network for Human Rights regarding the total death toll in Syria and the death toll of the month of...

The Syrian Network for Human Rights does not publish any statistics without sending all parities an attachments that contains extremely accurate and detailed information....

The arrest of the engineer Su’ad Al Taieb

A local sources reported to SNHR that the Syrian authorities had arrested the activist Su'ad Al Taieb for a second time on Friday 19/7/2013...

An urgent humanitarian appeal for student Yahya Ka’Ka

A third year university student, studying mechanical engineering in Aleppo University. He was arrested at a Syrian regime army division which is situated at AlJandoul...

Salqin City Massacre… One Barrel Bomb Kills 23 Syrian Citizens in a Matter of Moments

On Monday, October 1, 2012, a Syrian army helicopter dropped a barrel bomb suddenly inside a residential zone, where two residential buildings collapsed completely,...


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