Thematic Reports

Al Mazra’a village in Aleppo suburbs

Report methodology: The report methodology relies on the investigation that were carried out by SNHR teams with families and local media activists. This report includes...

The Documentation of Al Hara city Massacre in Daraa city

Al Hara city is located in the northern section of Daraa governorate near the towns of Qunietra, Location on the map   On Tuesday 23 July 2013,...

Targeting of Children in July by Government Forces

Rule 135 of the customary international law: Children affected by armed conflict are entitled to special respect and protection   The civilians are the most major...

The Documentation of Al Jbieliya Village Massacre in Daraa city

With the support of Shabiha, government forces raided the town which followed a shelling on the town. During the raiding, government forces field-executed a...

Zaatari camp, the second largest refugee camp in the world Indicators and figures

Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan, located 12 km south of Syrian-Jordan borders, extends over a distance of 8km, on dry desert land. Among almost 670.000...

The Documentation of Ariha Massacre in Idlib Governorate

Government forces bombed a heavily-crowded market shortly before the call for Al Maghrib Prayer. This isn’t the first time government forces deliberately target markets.   Ahmad,...

Documentation of al Maghara Town Massacre in Idlib city

On Sunday, July 14, 2013, government forces carried out a bombing at night on al Maghara town with a surface-to-surface rocket, resulting in a...

Sectarian Cleansing Massacres

With the support, and occasional involvement of Security and army forces, Shabiha perpetrated no less than 22 sectarian-cleansing massacres against neighboring areas. Most of...

Comprehensive report of using chemical weapons by Syrian government›s 25 times in 5 provinces of Syria

Syrian Network for Human Rights› team conducted separate investigation for each case of using chemical weapons by Syrian Armed Forces inside Syrian territories. The team...

The Documentation of Kafr Batna Massacre in Damascus Suburbs on Tuesday 2/7/2013

At the morning of Tuesday 2 July 2013, Kafr Batana city was extensively bombed by government forces. The attacks targeted areas in the city...


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