HomeMonthly ReportsDeath TollFigures indicates that the Syrian regime kills Syrian people.... Syrian death toll...

Figures indicates that the Syrian regime kills Syrian people…. Syrian death toll in October 2013: 28% are women, children, torturing to death


Death toll

Syrian Network for Human Rights are independent of any government, political ideology, we have more than 100 members , distributed in all Syrian provinces , and in the neighboring countries.

SNHR documents human rights violations and the killed victims during Syria Revolution.

Killing 2829 victims Syrian citizens were killed; including 658 armed rebel, 2171 civilian, 307 children, and 122 tortured to death including 2 media activists and children.

The daily average of killing this month was 92 people a day, 4 people an hour

Among the 2171 civilians SNHR documented:

307 children victims with an average of 10 children a day , and the proportion of the children killed to the death toll is 14% ,which is a very high rate and strict evidence that the Government Forces targeting the civilians

181 female victims with an average of 5 women a day , and the proportion of the children killed to the death toll is 8% ,which is a very high rate and strict evidence that the Government Forces targeting the civilians

122 victims tortured to death with an average of 7 victims a day tortured to death in formal and informal detention centers.

The proportion of killed women, children and torturing to death victims is 28%, This clearly shows the invalidity of the Syrian government’s claims that it is fighting al-Qaeda, extremists and terrorists.


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