HomeThematic ReportsForced displacementThe Most Significant Human Rights Violations by Kurdish Democratic Union Party and...

The Most Significant Human Rights Violations by Kurdish Democratic Union Party and the Kurdish Self-Management Forces


Violations by Kurdish

I- Introduction:
Kurdish forces joined other conflict parties in Syria when YPG forces, (the armed wing of the PYD party), established the Kurdish Self-Management Forces which was announced in January 2014 and seized control over some regions in north and east of Syria. The PYD party constitutes the main core of the movement that was called later on the “Kurdish Self-Management Forces”.
SNHR contacted the Head of the PYD party, Saleh Mouslem, several times but have not received any reply from his behalf up to the moment of making this report.

II- The most significant human rights violations by the Kurdish Self Management Forces and Kurdish Democratic Union Party:
1- Extrajudicial Killing:
According to SNHR documentation, Kurdish Democratic Union Party killed not less than 407 civilians including 51 children, 43 women, and 16 individuals who died under torture.
1- On 1 August2015, KSM (Kurdish Self Management Forces) gathered the residents of Sareen town in Aleppo suburbs in one of the town’s squares after it gained control over it from ISIL. The KSM forces shot at the resi-dents which killed 8 individuals including 3children and 3women.
2- On 14 October 2015, KSM forces killed Mr. Moustafa Al Shatwi from Al Rahyat town in Raqqa while he was going back to his town. The KSM forces shot him while he was passing by their checkpoint.

Most Significant Massacres committed by the KSM forces:
In 2012, government forces started to withdraw from remote areas in north and northeast of Syria while maintaining their presence in the government vital facilities and Kurdish Democratic Union Party took over those areas.
SNHR documented several ethnic cleansing massacres which were committed by the Kurdish Democratic Union Party forces in towns which were mostly inhibited by Arabs. Amongst these massacres, we recorded 3 ethnic cleansing massacres in Al Hassaka governorate which resulted in the death of 91 civilians including 17 children and 7 women.

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