Syrian Network For Human Rights

Syrian Network for Human Rights is an independent, neutral, non-governmental, non-profit human rights organization, which aims to document the ongoing human rights violations in Syria, and periodically issuing reports, studies and researches by applying the highest-levels of objectivity and professionalism, as a first step in order to expose and hold perpetrators accountable, and to ensure the victims' rights

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Slaughtering and Executing families in Karm Al Zaytoon Neighborhood as a part of the sectarian cleansing massacre

Karm Al Zaytoon neighborhood witnessed several sectarian cleansing massacres through slaughtering and executing whole families including children, women, and men. The last incident was...

Documentation of the Syrian Regime’s Killing of 65 Civilian Residents of Hama Governorate on the ‘Children of Freedom Friday’

Live Bullets Answered Demonstrators Bearing Roses, Killing Children I. Introduction: By June 2011, the popular uprising that began in mid-March of that year had expanded to...


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