Most Notable Massacres

Not Less than 51 Massacres Committed in August 2015

43 out of which were committed by government forces I- Executive Summary SNHR documented not less than 54 massacres that were committed in August, detailed as...

Not Less than 58 Massacres Committed in July 2015

39% of the Victims were Women and Children I- Executive Summary SNHR documented no less than 58 massacres committed in July 2015, detailed as follows: A-...

Not Less than 46 Massacres Committed in June 2015

I- Executive Summary SNHR documented no less than 46 massacres committed in June 2015, detailed as follows: A- Government Forces (including army, security forces, local...

No Less than 45 Massacres Perpetrated in May 2015

Executive Summary: SNHR documented, during the month of May 2015, 45 massacres at least as follows: A. Government forces: 38 massacres B. Daesh: three massacres C. Armed opposition...

No Less than 51 Massacres were Perpetrated in April 2015

19 Massacres in Idlib Alone Executive Summary: SNHR documented in the month of April no less than 51 massacres as follows: First: government forces: 50 massacres Second: armed...

No Less Than 35 Massacres in March 2015

A- Executive Summary: SNHR documented no less than 35 massacres in March 2015 committed-by as follows: 1. Government forces: 32 Massacres 2. Extremist groups: a. ISIS: 2 Massacres The...

No Less than 37 Massacres were Perpetrated in February 2015

Executive Summary SNHR documented in the month of February 2015 37 massacres at least as follows: Government forces: 34 massacres YPG: one massacre Armed opposition: two massacres The regional...

No Less than 20 Massacres were Perpetrated in January 2015

Executive Summary SNHR documented in the month of January 2015 20 massacres at least as follows: Government forces: 16 massacres Armed opposition: one massacre Unidentified groups: three massacres Those...

40 Massacres were Perpetrated at Least during December 2014

Executive Summary SNHR documented 40 massacres during the month of December 2014 as follows: Government forces: perpetrated 32 massacres Extremist groups: perpetrated seven massacres Unidentified groups: perpetrated one...

At least 33 Massacres Have been Perpetrated in November 2014

Executive Summary SNHR documented no less than 33 massacres during November as follows: Government forces: 31 massacres Extremist groups: one massacre Armed groups: one massacre Massacres were divided among...


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