Monthly Reports

The Most Notable Human Rights Violations in Syria in January 2021

Failure in the Geneva Negotiations Adds to Inability to Stop the Egregious Violations in Syria Press release:   (Link below to download full report)   The Syrian Network...

At least 213 Cases of Arbitrary Arrest/ Detention Documented in Syria in January 2021, Including 24 Children and Five Women

The Syrian Regime’s Appointments and Reshuffles of Security Branches’ Officials Seem the Most Likely Cause of the Decrease in the Number of Regime Arrests...

Extrajudicial Killing Claims the Lives of 113 Civilians, Including 36 Children, Six Women, and Three Victims Due to Torture, in January 2021

We Documented the Deaths of 18 Civilians, Including 16 Children, Due to Mines in the First Month of 2021 Press release:   (Link below to...

The Most Notable Human Rights Violations in Syria in December and for All of 2020

The Continuing Gross Violations and Failure of Political Transition Devastate What Remains of Syria and Prevent Refugees from Returning Press release:   (Link below to download...

At Least 1,882 Cases of Arbitrary Arrest/ Detention Documented in Syria in 2020, 149 of Them in December: Detainees Include 52 Children and 39...

Syria Is Neither Stable nor Safe for the Return of Refugees or IDPs, Especially in Areas Controlled by the Syrian Regime and Its Brutal...

Extrajudicial Killing Claims the Lives of 1,734 Civilians in Syria in 2020, Including 99 in December

Killings of IDPs and Deaths by Mines and Remote Bombings Stood Out Among Killings in Syria in 2020 Press release:   (Link below to download full...

The Most Notable Human Rights Violations in Syria in November 2020

Syria Is an Unsafe Country for the Return of Refugees and IDPs Due to the Survival of the Same Security Services Since 2011 Press release: ...

At least 167 Cases of Arbitrary Arrests/ Detention Documented in Syria in November 2020, Including Two Children and Three Women

The Syrian Regime Re-Arrests Previously Released Detainees Press release:   (Link below to download full report)   SNHR announced in its report released today that it documented at...

Extrajudicial Killing Claims the Lives of 172 Civilians, Including 16 Children, 11 Women, and 30 Victims Due to Torture, in November 2020

Ongoing Civilian Casualties in Parallel with the Constitutional Committee Meetings: The Political Transition Must Be Accelerated Press release:   (Link below to download full report)   The Syrian...

The Most Notable Human Rights Violations in Syria in October 2020

Russian Warplanes Renewed Their Bombardment of Several Areas in Idlib Governorate, Very Far from the Lines of Contact, Causing the Displacement of Hundreds More...


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