Monthly Reports

At least 7,706 Cases of Arbitrary Arrests Documented in Syria in 2018

Including 580 in December By: Bigstock SNHR announced today in its latest special monthly report that it documented at least 7,706 cases of arbitrary arrests by...

Documenting the Death of 976 Individuals due to Torture in Syria in 2018

Including 12 in December By: Inked Pixels/ SNHR announced today that at least 976 individuals died due to torture in Syria in 2018, including 12 in...

Documenting the Death of 6,964 Civilians in Syria in 2018

Including 108 in December SNHR announces that at least 6,964 civilians were killed in 2018 by the parties to the conflict in Syria, including 108...

No Fewer than Eight Massacres Documented in Syria in November 2018

Including Six at the Hands of International Coalition Forces SNHR said today that no less than eight massacres were perpetrated by the parties to the...

No less than 18 Attacks on Vital Civilian Facilities Documented in Syria in November 2018

Including 7 at the Hands of Syrian Regime Forces SNHR said today that no less than 18 attacks on vital civilian facilities by the parties...

Two Media Workers Killed, Three Injured, and Three Arrested or Kidnapped in Syria, Documented in November 2018

SNHR has released its report that documents violations against media workers by all parties to the conflict in Syria.   The report notes that all of...

No Fewer than 529 Cases of Arbitrary Arrest in Syria in November 2018

70% of all Arrests Were Made by Syrian Regime Forces, most of Which Involved Individuals Who Agreed to Settlements By: The Huffington Post SNHR said today...

15 Individuals Died due to Torture in Syria in November 2018

Including 14 at the hands of the Syrian Regime forces By: Shutterstock SNHR said today that no fewer than 15 individuals died due to torture in...

231 Civilians Killed in Syria in November 2018

Including 79 Killed at the Hands of the International Coalition Forces SNHR said today that no less than 231 civilians were killed in November by...

No fewer than Five Massacres in Syria in October 2018

Including Four at the hands of International Coalition Forces SNHR said today that no fewer than five massacres were perpetrated by the parties to the...


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