Monthly Reports

No less than 488 Cases of Arbitrary Arrest in Syria in October 2018

63% of all Arrests Were Made by Syrian Regime Forces, most of Which Involved Individuals Who Agreed to Settlements SNHR said today in its special...

No less than 17 Attacks on Vital Civilian Facilities in Syria in October 2018

No less than 537 Attacks on Vital Civilian Facilities since the Start of 2018 SNHR said today that no less than 17 attacks on vital...

16 Individuals Died due to Torture in Syria in October 2018

925 Individuals Died due to Torture at the hands of the Syrian Regime in 2018 SNHR said today that no fewer than 16 individuals died...

167 Civilians Killed in Syria in October 2018

Including 26% Killed at the hands of International Coalition Forces SNHR said today that no less than 167 civilians were killed in October by the...

No less than 98 Barrel Bombs Dropped by the Syrian Regime in September 2018

The Syrian Regime Has Dropped No less than 3,601 Barrel Bombs since the Start of 2018 SNHR has released its monthly report on the use...

No less than Two Massacres in Syria in September 2018

No less than 206 Massacres since the Start of 2018 SNHR said today that no less than two massacres were perpetrated by the parties to...

No less than 31 Attacks on Vital Civilian Facilities in Syria in September 2018

Including 16 by Russian-Syrian Alliance Forces SNHR said today that no less than 31 attacks on vital civilian facilities by the parties to the conflict...

No less than 687 Cases of Arbitrary Arrest in Syria in September 2018

60% at the hands of Syrian Regime Forces mostly Targeting People Who Agreed to Settlements By: Getty SNHR said today in its special monthly report that...

41 Individuals Died due to Torture in Syria in September 2018

All of Them Died at the hands of Syrian Regime Forces By: Artsy Vibes SNHR said today that no less than 41 individuals died due to...

192 Civilians Killed in Syria in September 2018

Including 95 Killed at the hands of Syrian-Russian Alliance Forces SNHR said today that no less than 192 civilians were killed in September by the...


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