Monthly Reports

No less than 16,098 Barrel Bombs since the Start of the Russian Intervention

1964 Barrel Bombs Resulted in the Killing of 102 Civilians including 18 Children and Five Women in November 2016 SNHR has published its monthly report...

No less than 47 Massacres in November 2016

Including 43 Massacres at the Hands of the Syrian and Russian Regime SNHR has published its monthly report documenting the massacres perpetrated by the conflict...

Three Media Activists Killed, Five Arrested and Kidnapped, and 15 others Injured, Toll of November 2016

SNHR has published its monthly report documenting the violations by the various conflict parties in Syria against media activists who play a prominent role...

Seven Medical and Civil Defense Personnel Killed

56 Incidents of Attack on Vital Medical and Civil Defense and Red Crescent Facilities in November 2016 SNHR has published its special monthly report that...

No less than 489 Cases of Arbitrary Arrest Recorded in November 2016

SNHR has published its monthly report documenting the arbitrary arrests by the conflict parties in Syria for the month of November. The report asserts that...

56 Individuals Killed due to Torture in November 2016

Including 48 at the Hands of Government Forces SNHR has published its periodic report on victims who died due to torture for the month of...

1402 Civilians Killed in November 2016

Including 1099 at the Hands of the Syrian and Russian Regime SNHR has published its periodic death toll report for the month of November 2016...

144 Incidents of Attack on Vital Civil Facilities in October 2016

Including 132 Incidents at the Hands of the Russian and Syrian Regime SNHR has published its special periodic report on attacks against vital civil facilities...

No less than 14,152 Barrel Bombs since the Russian Intervention Started

1128 Barrel Bombs Resulted in the Killing of 14 Civilians including One Child and One Woman in October 2016 SNHR has published its monthly report...

No less than 34 Massacres in October 2016

Including 26 Massacres at the Hands of the Syrian and Russian Regimes SNHR has published its monthly report documenting the massacres perpetrated by the conflict...


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