Extremist Islamist groups

Four Years Have Passed Since Activist Raed al-Fares Was Killed: As the Party Responsible for His and Hamoud Jneed’s Assassination, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham Must...

Languages Available In English عربي   Paris - Syrian Network for Human Rights: Wednesday, November 23, 2022, marks the fourth anniversary of the assassination of the activist and...

ISIS Hiding among Civilians Posed a Threat to Their Lives, and the Attacking Party Should Take This into Account

Parties Claiming to Fight Extremist Organizations Have Committed Flagrant Human Rights Violations Paris – Statement by the Syrian Network for Human Rights:   The operation carried out...

The Most Notable ISIS Violations against Syrian Society and ISIS’ Contribution to Distorting the Popular Uprising Calling for Freedom and Dignity

Nearly Two Years Since the Defeat of ISIS, the Fate of 8,684 Persons Forcibly Disappeared by ISIS Remains Unknown Press release (Link below to download...

The Most Notable Hay’at Tahrir al Sham Violations Since the Establishment of Jabhat al Nusra to Date

Hay’at Tahrir al Sham Continues to Commit Multiple Types of Human Rights Violations, Mainly in Its Detention Centers Press release (Link below to download full...

Condemnation for Extremist Groups’ Displaying Photos During Idlib and Raqqa Protests of the Terrorist Who Killed the French Teacher Samuel Paty

More Work Is Needed to Expose the Extremists and Their Backers, and to Strengthen Society to Enable Escape from the Symbiotic Evils of the...

Hurras al Din Group Is Responsible for Kidnapping and Forcibly Disappearing Six Activists Working for Relief Organizations in Idlib

Detainees, Activists, and Prisoners of Conscience Should Be Released as a Precaution for Fear of Being Infected with the Coronavirus Press release: The Syrian Network for...

Hay’at Tahrir al Sham Was Most Likely Behind the Assassination of Raed Fares and Hamoud Jneed in Kafranbel City

Following initial investigations, SNHR has announced that Hay’at Tahrir al Sham, which has almost complete control of Kafranbel city in Idlib governorate, is the...

Hay’at Tahrir al Sham Exploits the De-Escalation Agreement and Escalates Their Violations

Five Civilians Killed, including Two Children, and no less than 184 Individuals Arrested SNHR’s report, which was released today entitled, “Hay’at Tahrir al Sham Exploits...

The Brutal Attacks on Suwayda governorate between the Terrorism of the Syrian Regime and ISIS

154 Civilians Killed, including 15 children SNHR has released a report entitled, “The Brutal Attacks on Suwayda governorate between the Terrorism of the Syrian Regime...


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