Thematic Reports

Renewed Attacks Against the Syrian Network for Human Rights This Time by Pro-Russian Journalists Supporting Concealment of War Crimes

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) has issued a statement clarifying the nature of some of the attacks against it over the past...

At Least 14,227 Individuals, Including 177 Children and 62 Women, Killed as a Result of Torture in Syria

The Systematic and Widespread Brutal Torture in the Syrian Regime's Detention Centers Constitutes a Crime of Extermination; Civilized States Must Bear Responsibility for Protecting...

Brief Report: Security Forces in Suwayda Are Responsible for the Abduction and Enforced Disappearance of Political Activist Mohannad Shehab al Din

The Syrian Regime Continues Its Policy of Enforced Disappearance, Terrorism and Torture Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) states in its report released today that...

The Syrian Regime’s Refusal to Allow the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons’ Investigation Team to Enter Syria Constitutes Strong Evidence Against the...

The Civilized Countries of the World Must Punish the Syrian Regime Politically, Economically and Militarily for Preventing the Investigation Team from Entering By: Agencia EFE In...

20678 Civilians Were Killed During the Months of Ramadan And Eid al Fitr Holidays Between 2011 And 2019 And Hundreds of Mosques Targeted

Primarily the Syrian and Russian regimes Repeatedly Violate Places of Worship The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) revealed in its report released today that...

Syrian-Russian Alliance Forces Target 24 Medical Facilities in the Fourth De-Escalation Zone Within Four Weeks

After the Security Council Fails to Protect Civilians, an International Coalition Is Essential Outside the Security Council to Protect Hospitals The Syrian Network for Human...

The Syrian Regime Uses Chemical Weapons Again in Latakia and the United States, France, Britain and the Civilized Countries of the World Must Fulfill...

Immediate Intervention Must Be Made Through an International Coalition to Protect Civilians in Syria Like the NATO Intervention in Kosovo The Syrian Network for Human...

Syrian-Russian Alliance Forces Commit Violations That Constitute War Crimes in and Around Idlib While the International Community Watches

The UN Secretary-General Doesn't Specify in His Statement Who’s responsible for the Aerial Bombardment of Medical Centers and Schools The Syrian Network for Human Rights...

Brief Report: On World Press Freedom Day: Citizen Journalists in Syria Face Retirement or Displacement

BY: AL DONATO The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) states in its report released today on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day that...

The Syrian Regime’s Registration of Media Activist Ali Othman’s Death in the Civil Registry Department Is a Damning Indictment of the Regime

52 Media Workers Killed as a Result of Torture in Syrian Regime Detention Centers; Killing Witnesses Is a Deliberate Regime Tactic to Conceal Evidence By:...


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