Thematic Reports

Brief Report: Nearly 1,000 Families with no Access to Drinking Water for Five Consecutive Days in Deir Ballout Camp

IDPs Camps in Syria Are Forsaken Tragedies I. Introduction Around 8,500 individuals were forced to leave their homes, villages, and cities at the end of April...

Idlib Governorate One Year after the De-Escalation Agreement Commenced

Syrian-Russian Alliance Forces Have Killed 1,109 Civilians, including 255 Children, and Endless Violations SNHR has released a report titled, “Idlib Governorate One Year after the...

Satellite Imagery Proves that Russian Attacks Have Exterminated Entire Eastern Ghouta Towns

Approximately 3 Million Residences Were Destroyed Completely or Almost Completely in Syria, 90% Were Destroyed at the hands of Syrian Regime Forces and Russia...

The World Cup in Russia is Tainted with the Blood of 6,133 Syrian Civilians Killed by Russia

6,133 Civilians Killed, including 1,761 Children, at the hands of Russian Forces since the Start of its Military Intervention SNHR has released a report entitled:...

3,098 Individuals Killed, including 531 Children, at the hands of the Syrian Regime in Massacres of a Sectarian Nature

Approximately a Year and a Half of Continued Investigations to Prove the Occurrence of the Sectarian Massacre of al Haswiya SNHR said in a report...

Additional Evidences and Investigations Prove that the Syrian Regime was Probably Implicated in Attacking Douma City Using Chemical Weapons

SNHR has released a report entitled: “Additional Evidences and Investigations Prove that the Syrian Regime was Probably Implicated in Attacking Douma City Using Chemical...

Brief Report: World Press Freedom Day, 682 Media Workers Have been Killed since March 2011

About 82% of Them Killed at the Hands of the Syrian-Russian Alliance In a report release today, World Press Freedom Day, SNHR said that no...

Syrian-Russian Alliance’s Violations Two Weeks After the American-British-French Military Strike

64 Civilians killed, including 12 Children As approximately two wees has passed since the American-British-French military strike on Syria, SNHR has released a report documenting...

The Syrian Regime Uses Chemical Weapons against the Residents of Douma City, 55 Individuals Killed and about 1,000 Injured

An Urgent, Serious Action Has to be Taken against the Syrian Regime’s Crimes by the 193 States that Have Signed the CWC Nearly 50 days...

The First Anniversary of Khan Sheikhoun Chemical Attack

The Syrian Regime Has Carried out 214 Chemical Attacks, including 11 after Khan Sheikhoun Attack, and yet no Accountability In a report released today on...


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