Thematic Reports

Damascus’s Eastern Ghouta Siege is a Form of Collective Punishment

Over 350,000 Civilians are still Living under Siege Despite the De-Escalation Agreement with Russia Source: AFP/Amer ALMOHIBANY SNHR has noted in its report, released today...

Hay’at Tahrir al Sham Commits Wide Violations in Idlib Governorate

Local Council Have to be Protected from Takeover or Dissolvement Photographer: Mousab Assaf SNHR has released a report entitled: “Hay’at Tahrir al Sham Commits Wide Violations...

Brief Report: Nearly 370,000 IDPs in Deir Ez-Zour and Raqqa in the wake of the Syrian-Russian Alliance Attacks

Shelters must be Secured for the IDPs In a report that was released today, SNHR demanded that shelters must be secured for no less than...

The Second Anniversary of the Russian Intervention in Syria

5,233 Civilians Killed, Including 1,417 children and 886 women Photo by: Russian Ministry of Defense Languages Available In English عربي SNHR has released a report on the second...

The Syrian-Russian Alliance Completely Shatters Astana Agreements in Idlib

Excessive, Deliberate Bombing of Tens of Civilian Facilities and Factions at Astana in One Week SNHR has released a report entitled: “The Syrian-Russian Alliance Completely...

Three Years since International Coalition Forces Intervention Started in Syria – The Bloody Price

No less than 2,286 Civilians Killed, Including 674 Children and 504 Women SNHR has released its 13th report, entitled “The Bloody Price” on the third...

Syrian Regime Forces and its Allies Targeted IDPs as They were Leaving Eastern Aleppo

83 Civilians Killed in Deliberate, Repeated Attacks SNHR has released a report entitled: “Syrian Regime Forces Targeted IDPs as They were Leaving Eastern Aleppo” which...

Enforced-Disappearance is a Weapon of War in Syria, no less than 85,000 are Forcibly Disappeared

Where are They? Languages Available In English عربي   SNHR has released its annual report on the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances on August 30...

Brief Report: Videos Showing Torture and Extrajudicial Executions Evidently Carried Out by Syrian Democratic Forces

The United States Have to Call on The Party They Support to Cease Atrocities Before the Democratic Union Party (The Kurdistan Workers’ Party’s Syrian branch)...

Syrian Regime Has Carried Out 207 Attacks Using Chemical Weapons, 174 after the Major Two Ghoutas Attack

Attempting to Rehabilitate the Criminal is a Direct Involvement in the Crime Today, The Syrian people remembers one of the most atrocious incidents in modern...


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