Thematic Reports

International Women’s Day, a Comment from Syria

23,502 Female were Killed in the Past Six Years in Syria, 91% at the hands of the Syrian Regime and its Allies 7571 Females are...

No less than 55 Major Violations in the First Week of Geneva Talks’ Fourth Round

No less than 413 Individuals Killed in One Week including 54 Children SNHR has released a report, in which the Network documents 55 major violations...

Syrian Refugees in Lebanon Endure Racism, Deprivation of Rights, and Risks of being Banished and Extradited to the Syrian Regime

No Protection, No Rights SNHR has released a detailed report entitled: “No Protection, No Rights” which sheds light on a number of various aspects in...

Despite the U.N. Confirming its Responsibility, the Syrian Regime Uses Chemical Weapons Again

No less than 20 Chemical Attacks after the New Joint Investigative Mechanism’s Report, and 158 Breaches of Security Council Resolution 2118 SNHR Calls for the...

For the first time International Coalition forces kill more civilians than Russian forces in January 2017

View full Report english/International_Coalition_forces_kill_more_civilians_than_Russian_forces_en.pdf

366 Breaches in the First Month of Ankara Ceasefire Agreement

No less than 100 Individuals Killed as a Result of these Breaches Solely, Including 24 Children and One Fetus SNHR has published its seventh report...

Two Consecutive Massacres in Kafr Nobbol City

28 Civilians Killed and Eight Vital Civil Facilities Damaged SNHR has published a report entitled: “28 Civilians Killed and Eight Vital Civil Facilities Damaged” which...

Russian Forces Have Used Incendiary Weapons 78 Times at least since They Intervened in Syria

Rain of Fire SNHR has published the report “Rain of Fire” which documents no less than 78 attacks that involved the use of incendiary weapons...

The Syrian Regime Arrests 25 Residents from Darayya City Despite the Settlement Operations

Darayya city is affiliated to Damascus suburbs governorate. It is the largest city in the Western Ghouta region and it is less than eight...

The Seven Main Parties that Kill Civilians in Syria in 2016

The Syrian-Iranian-Russian Regime is Responsible for the Killing of 76% of Civilian Victims I. Introduction This report contains a number of charts for the death toll...


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