HomeStatementsSNHR condemns seven pool square / Damascus explosion and demands neutral investigation

SNHR condemns seven pool square / Damascus explosion and demands neutral investigation


seven poolA terrorist explosion took place in the area between seven pool square and Shahbander in the capital Damascus on Monday noon 8/4/2013 , causing the death of at least 10 victims and more than 25 injured , and heavy material damages in the surrounding buildings
Syrian Network for Human Rights condemns the seven pool square explosion and all acts of bombing that took place in residential districts and targeting civilians , regardless of their perpetrators and considers it as a terrorism criminal act aimed to loss human spirits
Syrian regime is the main responsible of Lawlessness that led the country to a unprecedented state of destruction and Chaos by their daily and continuous acts od shelling by Scud missiles , surface to surface rockets and other different kinds of weapons , causing loose of security and more than five million displacements inside Syria and nearly two million refugees


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