HomeStatements by SNHRStatementsThe Syrian Government has been detaining a pregnant lady and her three...

The Syrian Government has been detaining a pregnant lady and her three sons for more than ten days


lady and her three sons

The Syrian government continues its brutal and oppressive policies against the Syrian people as there are dozens of new arresting cases that are being documented everyday at the hands of the intelligence and security apparatus along with the systematic daily killings. Every day there is new detainees who are being torturing to death inside the detention center of the Syrian government, and today we look at an explicit act of violation of every humanitarian standard; on Tuesday 22 May, 2014, Syrian security men who were inside the immigration and passports building have arrested Mrs. Rasha Sharbji, born in Damascus countryside – Dariyya in 1982 along with her three sons:
Ouis Al-Abbar – five year old
Muna Al-Abbar – three year old
Fatima Al-Batoul – two year old

Also, security forces arrested the 38-year-old Banan Al-Abbar, born in Dariyya, and the 34-year-old Laila Al-Abbar, born in Dariyya, these two ladies are the kids’ aunts and they were with their mom.
SNHR acknowledges Rasha Sharbji’s critical health status as she is seven-months-pregnant and suffers from tuberculosis.

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