HomeReportMonthly Reports10 Media Activists killed, Three Kidnapped, and 12 Injured in May 2015

10 Media Activists killed, Three Kidnapped, and 12 Injured in May 2015


10 Media Activists

First: Executive Summary
Violations against media activists in the month of May 2015 are as follows:
A. killing: SNHR documented the killing of 10 media activists
1- Government forces: killed seven media activists including one media activist who was tortured to death.
2- Extremist groups: Daesh killed two media activists.
3- Armed opposition factions: killed one media activist.
B. Arresting and kidnapping: we recorded three kidnapping cases:
1- Extremist groups: An-Nussra Front kidnapped one media activist.
2- PYD kidnapped two media activists.

C. Injuries: 12 injury cases were recorded
1- Government forces: injured seven media activists.
2- Extremist Groups: An-Nussra Front injured two media activists conjunction with armed opposition.
3- We recorded five cases that involved armed opposition factions including two injuries that were caused jointly by An-Nussra Front and armed opposition factions.

D. Violations against properties
1- PYD: one case was recorded.
2- Extremist groups – An-Nussra Front: one case was recorded.
3- Armed opposition factions: one case was recorded.

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