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Syrian Network for Human Rights Assessment of the current situation and recommendations for a political solution and transitional period in Syria


Assessment of the current situation

I- Geneva Communiqué is Indispensible:
Reaching a political solution in Syria is not an easy task; especially that all previous attempts have failed. This includes the Arab League Initiative and both of UN Missions of Mr. Kofi Anan and Mr. Lakhdar Ibrahimi.
From our perspective, Geneva Communiqué should be the cornerstone for any potential political solution. We believe that most of the talks and efforts that followed Geneva 1 and aimed to interpret it were counterproductive because the permanent members of the UNSC did not have a clear vision for a viable and sustainable political solution in Syria. The UNSC has been unable to implement any of its resolutions regarding the conflict in Syria; this includes resolution 2041 that was issued on 14 April 2012 and resolution 2209 that was issued on 6 March 2015.

It is important to mention here that there were two main parties involved in the conflict when Geneva 1 took place: government forces and Shia militias on one side, and different armed opposition groups on the other side. Now, this picture has changed dramatically with the rise of extremists groups such as ISIS, and the increasing involvement of Kurdish factors especially PYD forces. These emerging players have different agendas and perspectives and they are increasingly playing more influential roles which would inevitably affect efforts to reach a political solution.

Nevertheless, Geneva Communiqué should remain the cornerstone for any political solution. Any attempt to create an alternative to Geneva Communiqué would only extend the conflict and complicate it further which would put Syria at greater risks of becoming a filed state, it is not already.

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