
Syrian Refugees Arrested and Tortured in A’arsal during September 2014

Background information about Arsal Arsal is a village located in Lebanon – Baalbek – Beqaa governorate. Arsal is relatively isolated, it is 38 km away...

The Syrian Holocaust Branch 215

Security branches in Syria is still torturing the prisoners in the most horrible and brutal ways possible. This systematic daily torturing causes the death...

85, 000 forcibly-disappeared persons in the Syrian regime detention centers

Forced-disappearance is a multidimensional crime as it affects, in addition to the victim himself, his family and even his friends. Syria, in particular, has...

The Syrian regime’s arresting policy in 2014

The Syrian regime’s security forces and militias continues kidnaping and arresting civilians in addition to the daily killing. With the huge number of people...

Testimony of a woman who was arrested and tortured inside the Syrian government detention centers

This testimony includes important details about the torture, sexual abuse, and humiliations the female prisoners are subjected to in light of a blatant neglect...

The Presidential amnesty in Syria 694 were released out of 215,000 prisoners

A- 31 were released from Adra prison; 19 of whom were released but weren’t included in the presidential amnesty as they were released upon...

Aleppo Central Prison… between the hammer and the anvil

SNHR has issued an extensive report on 8 July, 2013 on Aleppo central prison where we shed the light on the prisoners who are...

Sexual Abuses inside Detention Centers

Sexual Abuses inside Detention Centers In the context of documenting the crimes committed in Syria through interviewing some of the people who experienced...

Prisoners in Syria

Since the first days of the Syrian uprising, the Syrian authorities have been arresting thousands of citizens. Arrests went along with the acts of...

Most prominent Prisoners of opinion and political activists

1) Faik Almir Political activist, born in 1954, he is leader in Syrian democratic people's party, headed by Riyad al-Turk. He was arrested from his house...


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