Death Toll

Syria Is Among the World’s Worst Countries for the Number of Mines Planted Since 2011, Despite Prohibition of Their Use in International Law

Mines Have Killed at Least 2,601 Civilians in Syria Since 2011, Including 598 Children and 267 Women, with Women and Children Accounting for 33%...

Remote Bombings, Including Suicide/ Forced Suicide, and the Inability to Identify the Criminal… The Unknown Killer!

At Least 9,967 Civilians, Including 1,683 Children and 1,126 Women, Have Been Killed by Remote Bombings, Including Suicide/ Forced Suicide Bombings, Since March 2011 Press...

Brief Report: 167 Syrian Citizens, including 77 Children, Have Died Due to the Cold Since March 2011

An Urgent Distress Call for Nearly 700,000 People Recently Forcibly Displaced Due to Attacks by Russian-Iranian-Syrian Alliance Forces on Northwest Syria BY: Anas ALmaarawi   Press release:   The...

20678 Civilians Were Killed During the Months of Ramadan And Eid al Fitr Holidays Between 2011 And 2019 And Hundreds of Mosques Targeted

Primarily the Syrian and Russian regimes Repeatedly Violate Places of Worship The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) revealed in its report released today that...

The Seven Main Parties that Kill Civilians in Syria in 2016

The Syrian-Iranian-Russian Regime is Responsible for the Killing of 76% of Civilian Victims I. Introduction This report contains a number of charts for the death toll...

The Six Main Parties that Kill Civilians in Syria and the Death Toll Percentage Distribution among them

All Parties (Except for the Syrian Regime) have Killed less than 15,000 Syrian Civilians SNHR has released a report that contains an update on the...

5188 Civilians Killed and 3631 Others Arrested since the Cessation of Hostilities Statement

A Detailed Account of Five months, the Syrian and Russian Regimes are Responsible for 71% of all Violations The statistics in this report, which is...

Harvest of the First Ten Days of Ramadan 2016

The Killing of 362 Civilians, 314 amongst which were killed by Government Forces and Pro-government Forces SNHR has released a report entitled: “Harvest of the...


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