Most Notable HR Violations

The Most Notable Human Rights Violations in Syria in September 2021

Syria Is an Unsafe Country for the Return of Refugees, As Confirmed by the Reports of the UN Commission of Inquiry and Amnesty International Press...

The Most Notable Human Rights Violations in Syria in August 2021

Delivering UN Aid Through the Syrian Regime, Which Is Involved in the Displacement of Millions of Citizens and in the Looting of Aid, Is...

The Most Notable Human Rights Violations in Syria in July 2021

The Syrian Regime’s Checkpoints Obstruct the Entry of Food and Medical Supplies to Daraa al Balad Area and the Tareeq al Sadd and Camps...

The Most Notable Human Rights Violations in Syria in the First Half of 2021

Documenting 53 Attacks on Vital Civilian Facilities, Including Five on Medical Facilities Press release (Link below to download full report):   Paris - The Syrian Network for...

The Most Notable Human Rights Violations in Syria in May 2021

The ‘Presidential Elections’ That Took Place under Threat and Terror Challenge the Syrian Regime’s Legitimacy in Syria and International Forums Press release:   (Link below to...

The Most Notable Human Rights Violations in Syria in April 2021

The Syrian Regime’s President, Implicated in Committing Crimes against Humanity, Is Running for the Presidential Elections, with This Being the Most Prominent Reason for...

The Most Notable Human Rights Violations in Syria in March 2021

Brussels Conference Aid Must Be Linked to the Extent of Respect for and Application of Human Rights Principles and the Victims Most Affected Press release: ...

The Most Notable Human Rights Violations in Syria in February 2021

Continuing Violations Amid a Paralyzed Political Process Press release:   (Link below to download full report)   The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) today released its monthly...

The Most Notable Human Rights Violations in Syria in January 2021

Failure in the Geneva Negotiations Adds to Inability to Stop the Egregious Violations in Syria Press release:   (Link below to download full report)   The Syrian Network...

The Most Notable Human Rights Violations in Syria in December and for All of 2020

The Continuing Gross Violations and Failure of Political Transition Devastate What Remains of Syria and Prevent Refugees from Returning Press release:   (Link below to download...


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