
2591 people were killed in August 2014

Languages Available In English عربي   SNHR also documented other incidents of killing which we were not able to name the side responsible for them: The victims’ documenting...

The Total Number of Victims and The Death Toll for July 2014

Languages Available In English عربي   Details SNHR has documented the killing of 2549 people during July divided as follows: First: Government Forces A: Civilians SNHR has documented the killing of...

Death Toll since the Beginning of the Revolution until the End of June 2014

  Languages Available In English عربي   First: The Syrian Regime The Syrian regime forces killed no less than 133586 people; including 109347 civilian (88% of the total) among...

The Death Toll for May 2014

Languages Available In English عربي   SNHR has documented the killing of 3204 people during May divided as follows: First: Government Forces   SNHR has documented the killing of...

The Death Toll for April 2014

Languages Available In English عربي   SNHR has documented the killing of 3397 people during April divided as follows: First: Government Forces   SNHR has documented the killing of...

The Death Toll for March 2014

  Languages Available In English عربي   The report includes:  Civilians killed by the government forces. Rebels killed by the government forces. Civilians and rebels killed by the...

November 2013 death toll

SNHR documents human rights violations and the killed victims during Syria Revolution. 2583 Syrian citizens were killed; including 663 armed rebel and 1920 civilian,...

Figures indicates that the Syrian regime kills Syrian people…. Syrian death toll in October 2013: 28% are women, children, torturing to death

Syrian Network for Human Rights are independent of any government, political ideology, we have more than 100 members , distributed in all Syrian provinces...

Death Toll of Civilians and SFA in September 2013

2811 victims Syrian citizens were killed; including 792 armed rebel, 1584 civilian, 264 children, and 159 tortured to death . The daily average of killing this...

Death Toll of Civilians and SFA in July 2013

The Highest rate of killing under torture in this month : 149 citizens has been tortured to death...


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