Violations against Health Sector

Seven Medical and Civil Defense Personnel Killed

11 Incidents of Attack on Vital Medical and Civil Defense Facilities in January 2017 SNHR has published its special monthly report that documents the violations...

167 Medical and Civil Defense Personnel Killed, and 448 Incidents of Attack on their Facilities in 2016

10 Medical and Civil Defense Personnel Killed, and 33 Incidents of Attack on their Facilities in December 2016 SNHR has published its special monthly report...

Seven Medical and Civil Defense Personnel Killed

56 Incidents of Attack on Vital Medical and Civil Defense and Red Crescent Facilities in November 2016 SNHR has published its special monthly report that...

10 Medical and Civil Defense Personnel Killed

44 Incidents of Attack on Vital Medical and Civil Defense Facilities in October 2016 SNHR has published its special monthly report that documents the violations...

23 Medical and Civil Defense Personnel Killed in September 2016

Including 19 at the Hands of the Syrian and Russian Regimes SNHR has published its periodic report documenting the violations against medical and civil defense...

12 Medics and Civil Defense Personnel Killed in August 2016

All of them at the Hands of the Syrian and Russian regimes SNHR has published its periodic report documenting the violations against medics and civil...

25 Medics and Civil Defense Personnel Killed in July 2016

Including 21 at the hands of the Syrian and Russian Regimes SNHR has published its periodic report documenting the violations against medics and civil defense...

The Killing of 81 Medics and Civil Defense Personnel in the First Half of 2016

Including 11 in June 2016 SNHR has published its monthly report on the violations against medics and civil defense personnel by the conflict parties in...

The Death of 17 Medical and Civil Defense Cadres in May 2016

The attack on the medical and the Civil Defense cadres continues despite the Cessation of Hostilities agreement SNHR published its monthly report documenting violations against...

The Killing of 16 Medical and Civil Defense Cadres in April 2016

The attack on the medical and the Civil Defense cadres continues despite the cessation of hostilities agreement SNHR published its monthly report documenting violations against...


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