
No Less than 51 Massacres were Perpetrated in April 2015

19 Massacres in Idlib Alone Executive Summary: SNHR documented in the month of April no less than 51 massacres as follows: First: government forces: 50 massacres Second: armed...

169 Civilians including 42 Children and 30 Women have been Killed by the International Collation Forces

Documenting the targeting of Ber Mahli village in Aleppo suburbs where 64 civilians were killed First: Geographic Location and Military Control Ber Mahli village is located...

The Death of 7 Medical Personnel in April 2015

I- Executive Summary: SNHR’s high standards for documentation are based on collecting direct testimonies from survivors or victims’ families in addition to analyzing and verifying...

The Death of 108 victims under torture in April 2015

1. Report Methodology: Since 2011 and up till now the Syrian regime doesn’t recognize any detention operations, but accuses al-Qaeda and terrorist groups such as...

The Death of 6 Media Activists, One Media Activist Abducted, and 5 Others Injured, Toll of April 2015

1. Executive Summary: Violations against media activist for this month are as follow: 1- Killing: SNHR documented the death of 6 media activist killed-by as follow: -...

The Death of 2231 Individuals in April 2015

Death Toll of April 2015 Report Details: 1- Government forces: SNHR documented the death of 1884 individuals by government forces in notable rise from the last month...

Commemoration of Chemical War Victims in Syria

A One Sided War The Syrian Network for Human Rights issued 21 reports about the use of poisoned gases in Syria, the first was...

In the Depth of the Abyss

463 media activist killed, 1027 others arrested and kidnapped Introduction: As the popular protests began in March 2011 the Syrian authorities realized the crucial role...

Waiting for the Second Ghouta Attack

87 violations of Security Council Resolution 2118 Including 15 Violation of Resolution 2209 Introduction: Through many studies and reports issued by SNHR after Security Council resolutions...

No One Is Safe

Mortar Victims Toll Executive Summary: This report view only mortar shells victims’ toll, as government forces were the first to use different kinds of weapons since...


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