
322 Arbitrary Arrest Cases were Recorded during December 2014

First: Introduction The details of any prisoner can be found by using the search engine on our websites. Also, the names and details of any...

105 were Tortured to Death in December 2014

Introduction Since 2011, the Syrian regime has refused to recognize any arrests as it accused Al-Qaeda and the terrorist groups of committing these crimes. Also,...

Six Medics were Killed in December 2014

Executive Summary SNHR’s high standards for documentation is based on collecting direct testimonies from survivors or victims’ families in addition to analyzing and verifying photos,...

Five media activists killed, 13 kidnapped and arrested, and five injured in December 2014

384 media activists have been killed from the beginning of the Syrian revolution until the end of December 2014 Introduction With the end of 2014, nearly...

1851 people were killed in December 2014

Death Toll for December 2014 Details SNHR documented the killing of 1851 people in December 2014, distributed as follows: First: Government forces A. Civilians SNHR documented the death of...

Detailed Account of 2014

Methodology The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) is an independent nongovernmental nonprofit human rights organization that was founded in 2011 to document the ongoing...

Violations against Journalists in 2014 – A Black Year

17 journalists were killed, 43 were kidnapped and arrested, and 15 were injured First: Executive summary Violations against journalists were distributed as follows: • First: Killing: SNHR...

Secret Detention Centers in Syria

Der Shmiel camp Introduction With the accumulating, ceaseless widespread, and systematic arrests and detentions is continuing at the hands of government forces (The army, security forces,...

Alliance Forces’ Shelling Kills Civilians in Der Ezzor

Government Forces Have Killed Civilians 80 Times More in the Same Period of Time Introduction The alliance forces’ military campaign against Daesh begun on 23 September,...

225 Arbitrary Arrest Cases were Recorded During November 2014

Introduction The details of any prisoner can be found by using the search engine on our websites. Also, the names and details of any prisoner...


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