Chemical weapons

Following the Steps of the Syrian Government: ISIL Violates UN Security Council Resolutions

130 violations by Syrian government forces and 2 violations by ISIL I- Introduction: In this report we record, and for the first time, ISIL’s use...

Toxic Gases in Syria: Unlimited Security Council Breaches

125 Breaches of UNSC Resolution 2118, including 56 Breaches of Resolution 2209 I- Introduction and Methodology: On 21 August 2013, the Syrian government committed a...

Commemoration of Chemical War Victims in Syria

A One Sided War The Syrian Network for Human Rights issued 21 reports about the use of poisoned gases in Syria, the first was...

Waiting for the Second Ghouta Attack

87 violations of Security Council Resolution 2118 Including 15 Violation of Resolution 2209 Introduction: Through many studies and reports issued by SNHR after Security Council resolutions...

Inhalation of Death

Government Forces’ Use of Poison Gases and Disrespect for the Security Council Executive Summary: Since 23 December, 2012, when government forces targeted Al-Bayyada neighborhood in...

Resolution 2118 was violated 71 Times at Least

“The Implementation of Resolutions is more Important than Adopting it” Over the course of our work at SNHR in documenting the Syrian government’s violations of...

50 Documented Violations of the UN Security Council Resolution 2118 through Using Poison Gases in 50 Attacks

What is Behind the Red Line ? First: abstract In its continuous work on documenting Syrian regime’s violations of UN Security Council Resolution 2118 – adopted...

First year anniversary of Ghouta chemical attack

Before the massacre The Syrian regime used gases likely to be poison 28 times. The first one of which were on 23 December, 2012 where...

There Is No Red Line

The Syrian government has signed on 14 September, 2013 the Chemical Weapons Convention treaty. On 28 September, 2013 the Resolution 2118 was issued which...

The Syrian Regime Violated Resolution 2118

The Syrian government has signed the CWC on 14 September, 2013. On 28 September, 2013, the Security Council passed Resolution 2118 which includes in...


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