Extremist Islamist groups

Hay’at Tahrir al Sham Commits Wide Violations in Idlib Governorate

Local Council Have to be Protected from Takeover or Dissolvement Photographer: Mousab Assaf SNHR has released a report entitled: “Hay’at Tahrir al Sham Commits Wide Violations...

Most Notable Violations from November 2016 until the End of June 2017 in Raqqa Governorate

“The Yellow Assault” SNHR has released a report entitled: “The Yellow Assault” which tackles the most notable violations in Raqqa governorate between November 6, 2016...

HTS’s Violations during The Raid on Ma’aret al Nu’man City

SNHR Renews Its Call on the Opposition Factions that Operate under HTS to Urgently Detach themselves from the Group SNHR has called on the factions...

Lewa’ al Aqsa Group Carries Out Mass Executions Involving Civilians and Armed Opposition Fighters

The Execution of Detainees at al Khazzanat Detention Center in Khan Sheikhoun City in the Suburbs of Idlib Governorate Constitutes a War Crime SNHR has...

Kurdish-Majority Syrian Democratic Forces must Open Rajm Al Sliebi Checkpoint Crossing

2000 Civilians at least are Stuck in the Desert Since ISIS was founded on 9 April 2016, the group has managed to take over wide...

ISIL’s Torture and Detention Centers

“The Black Bottom” SNHR issued ''The Black Bottom'' report regarding ISIL's torture and detention centers in Syria. The report stated that ISIL had established secret or...

Caught between ISIL and the Russian Forces: the Displacement of 20 thousand Individuals

The Displacement of Nahiyat Maheen Residents in Homs’s Northern Suburbs Nahiyat Maheen region in Homs’s northern suburbs includes each of the following regions: Maheen, Hawareen,...

Is it the Syrian Regime or ISIL?

Destruction of Vital Facilities in Opposition Controlled Regions I- Introduction: “The scorched land” is the Syrian regime’s strategy when it comes to targeting vital facilities....

Following the Steps of the Syrian Government: ISIL Violates UN Security Council Resolutions

130 violations by Syrian government forces and 2 violations by ISIL I- Introduction: In this report we record, and for the first time, ISIL’s use...

Nearly 367 victims, 240 missing persons and 33 thousand displaced individuals are the result of this attack on Abu Hamam City in Deir Al...

ISIS tightens its grip and occupies more Syrian lands Introduction: Abu Hamam City, 65 Km away from the center of the province, is located in the...


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