
The 40th Anniversary of the 1982 Hama Massacre Coincides with Rifaat al Assad’s Return to Bashar al Assad

UN Bodies Have Never Made Any Reference to the 1982 Hama Massacre, Although Killings and Enforced Disappearances Constitute Crimes against Humanity Languages Available In English عربي   Press...

The Syrian Regime Committed a Massacre in Ariha, Killing 11 Syrian Citizens, Including Four Children, during the Constitutional Committee Meetings, to Shameful Silence from...

The Ariha Massacre, the Largest Since March 2020, Embodies the Policy of the Syrian Regime, ‘Negotiating’ by Terror, Killing and Enforced Disappearance Press release (Link...

Russian Forces Commits a Massacre of IDPs in Ma’aret Misreen in Idlib Region Prior to Announcing a Ceasefire Agreement

Double-Tap Airstrike Policy Used to Kill Paramedics and Civilians Indicates Savagery and Barbarism Press release: The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) reveals in its report...

The Deaths of 87 Civilians Have Been Documented Since the Start of the Russian-Turkish Ceasefire, Including the Largest Massacre by the Syrian Regime in...

The Constitutional Committee’s Progress Makes No Sense in Light of the Syrian Regime’s Continuous Crimes against Humanity The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) reveals...

The Syrian Regime Is Most Likely Responsible for the Bombing of an IDP Camp in Idlib and the Killing of 11 Syrian Children

At Least 79 Targeted Attacks on IDP Camps by the Syrian Regime and Its Russian Ally Within Eight Years Press release: The Syrian Network for Human...

The Syrian-Russian Alliance Forces Commit 33 Massacres in the Fourth De-Escalation Zone Within Three Months

Russia Denies Committing the Massacre of Ma'aret al Numan City in Idlib and Will Continue to Do So as Long as the International Community...

The Brutal Attacks on Suwayda governorate between the Terrorism of the Syrian Regime and ISIS

154 Civilians Killed, including 15 children SNHR has released a report entitled, “The Brutal Attacks on Suwayda governorate between the Terrorism of the Syrian Regime...

Urm al Kubra Village Massacre by Russian Forces is a Clear Message of Blood and Terrorization

Russian Forces Kill 36 Civilians, including 20 Children, in Urm al Kubra village, Western Suburbs of Aleppo Idlib governorate and its vicinity have been the...

Russian Forces Continue Their Streak of Atrocious Massacres, 6,187 Civilians, including 1,771 Children, Killed by Russia since the Intervention Started in Syria

Russian Forces Kill 52 Civilians, including 10 Children, in a Horrifying Massacre in Zardana village, Northeastern Suburbs of Idlib BY: KEYSTONE / AP Syrian Civil...

Idlib Governorate One Year after the De-Escalation Agreement Commenced

Syrian-Russian Alliance Forces Have Killed 1,109 Civilians, including 255 Children, and Endless Violations SNHR has released a report titled, “Idlib Governorate One Year after the...


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