
Russian Forces Destroy a Market in Areeha and Kill its People

Following the Steps of the Syrian Regime I- Introduction: Areeha city is located southern to Idlib city, eastern to Jisr Al Shoughour and northern to Ma’art...

They Died While They Were Playing

Syrian Regime Forces Killed Children of Al Wa’er Neighborhood in Homs on the Third Day of Adha Eid Introduction: Al Wa’er neighborhood, which’s...

Douma Massacre August 2015

Shelling Crowded Markets at Rush Hour I- Introduction: Douma city is the largest district in rebel-held eastern Ghouta, which has been subjected to crippling siege...

Horrific Massacres after Government Forces Lost Control over Idlib

Government-fly Must be Banned in The areas that Government Forces Lost Control over It The announcement of what was called by Al-Fateh Army “A gathering...

A Detailed Account of Four Years of Massacres in Syria

1- Introduction: SNHR issues seven monthly report, including a report that discusses in detail the most notable of the massacres committed by the armed parties...

Most Prominent Massacres Perpetrated by Shiite Militias in Syria

“It barely goes unnoticed” Introduction The first extremist foreign militias to emerge in Syria were’t Daesh or An-Nussra Front where months before their emergence, non-Arabic fighters...

The Syrian Regime Perpetrated Four Massacres in Ten Days in Doma

The Syrian regime has escalated its attacks and shelling against Doma city which is out of its control. However, the Syrian regime has been...

When a Wedding Turns into a Massacre

Report methodology The report draws upon a field-visit by SNHR member in Damascus city “Dr. Majd al Masri”. Dr. Majd met and treated a number...

Documentation of a Sectarian Massacre Against a Whole Family in Karm al Zaytoun Neighborhood

Following days of relentless shelling of the Karm al Zaytoun neighborhood by government forces, and on the basis of an existing truce guaranteeing the...

They killed My Teacher

Barrel Bombs Terrorize Different Syrian Governorates despite Recent Security Council Resolutions Introduction Aleppo has been targeted for the last two months with barrel bombs. These attacks...


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