
The Second Anniversary of the Russian Intervention in Syria

5,233 Civilians Killed, Including 1,417 children and 886 women Photo by: Russian Ministry of Defense Languages Available In English عربي SNHR has released a report on the second...

Most Notable Violations from November 2016 until the End of June 2017 in Raqqa Governorate

“The Yellow Assault” SNHR has released a report entitled: “The Yellow Assault” which tackles the most notable violations in Raqqa governorate between November 6, 2016...

HTS’s Violations during The Raid on Ma’aret al Nu’man City

SNHR Renews Its Call on the Opposition Factions that Operate under HTS to Urgently Detach themselves from the Group SNHR has called on the factions...

Deir Ez-Zour… A Limb-severed Governorate

29 Incidents of Attack on Bridges, Including 15 at the Hands of the International Coalition Forces SNHR has released a report entitled: “Deir Ez-Zour, A...

The Syrian-Russian Alliance’s Violations after the American Strike

A Vicious Retaliation against Civilians, as 98 Civilians Killed including 24 Children SNHR has released a report entitled: “The Syrian-Russian Alliance’s Violation after the American...

Most Notable Violations against Syrian Athletes

SNHR has released its special report on the most notable violations by the parties to the conflict against Syrian athletes who participated in the...

Syrian Refugees in Lebanon Endure Racism, Deprivation of Rights, and Risks of being Banished and Extradited to the Syrian Regime

No Protection, No Rights SNHR has released a detailed report entitled: “No Protection, No Rights” which sheds light on a number of various aspects in...

Kurdish-Majority Syrian Democratic Forces must Open Rajm Al Sliebi Checkpoint Crossing

2000 Civilians at least are Stuck in the Desert Since ISIS was founded on 9 April 2016, the group has managed to take over wide...

The Syrian Regime Targets the Last Medical Point in Madaya Town

The Least the UN could Do is to Protect Medical Facilities SNHR has published the report: “The Syrian Regime Targets the Last Medical Point in...

Jund Al Aqsa affiliated to Al Nusra Front is Responsible for Burning the Buses in Idlib

Tuesday 13 December 2016, the Russian regime, in coordination with the Turkish regime, announced a ceasefire agreement inside the neighborhoods of Aleppo city that...


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