Thematic Reports

The Syrian Regime Repeatedly Uses Cluster Munitions Against Residential Neighborhoods in and Around Idlib Governorate, Constituting War Crimes

Four Cluster Munition Attacks Documented Since the Start of the Last Offensive in December 2019, Two of Which Were Against Schools   Press release: In its latest...

Syrian-Russian Alliance Forces Target 67 Medical Facilities in Northwest Syria Since April 26, 2019

The United States of America Should Intervene to Stop Russian War Crimes and Bombardment of Medical Facilities Press release:   In its latest report released today, the...

Brief Report: 167 Syrian Citizens, including 77 Children, Have Died Due to the Cold Since March 2011

An Urgent Distress Call for Nearly 700,000 People Recently Forcibly Displaced Due to Attacks by Russian-Iranian-Syrian Alliance Forces on Northwest Syria BY: Anas ALmaarawi   Press release:   The...

The Deaths of 87 Civilians Have Been Documented Since the Start of the Russian-Turkish Ceasefire, Including the Largest Massacre by the Syrian Regime in...

The Constitutional Committee’s Progress Makes No Sense in Light of the Syrian Regime’s Continuous Crimes against Humanity The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) reveals...

The Annual Report of the Most Notable Human Rights Violations in Syria in 2019

A Destroyed State and Displaced People Press release: The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) has released its annual special report for the year 2019 which...

Report Documenting Violations by Russian-Syrian Alliance since December 15 in Northwest Syria, many of Which Constitute War Crimes

86 Civilians Killed, Displacement Routes Bombed 9 Times, 3 IDP Camps Bombed, and a Massacre Committed During the Truce Declared by OCHA Press release: In its...

On the Third Anniversary of the UN Board’s Report on Syrian Regime and Russian Forces’ Attack on the Humanitarian Aid Convoy in Aleppo Suburbs,...

The UN Headquarters Board of Inquiry’s Report on the Attack Is Inadequate and the Russian and Syrian Regimes Must Be Prosecuted Press release: In its report...

The Syrian Regime Is Most Likely Responsible for the Bombing of an IDP Camp in Idlib and the Killing of 11 Syrian Children

At Least 79 Targeted Attacks on IDP Camps by the Syrian Regime and Its Russian Ally Within Eight Years Press release: The Syrian Network for Human...

The Most Notable Violations by the Parties Participating in the Constitutional Committee During Its Second Round of Meetings

The Deaths of 32 Civilians, all Killed by Syrian-Russian Alliance Forces Coincided with Two Rounds of Discussions BY: Pool via REUTERS Press release: The Syrian Network for...

The Syrian People Have Suffered More Than Any Other Globally from CW Use in the Last Decade, and Justice Must Be Achieved

Approximately 1,472 Victims Killed and 9,989 Injured in 222 Chemical Attacks, 217 of Which Were Carried Out by the Syrian Regime BY: Getty In the last...


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