Thematic Reports

28,076 Females Have Been Killed in Syria since March 2011, Nearly 84% of These by Syrian Regime Forces and Its Allies

Protecting Women in Syria Requires the Intervention of the International Community After Violations Have Reached the Level of Crimes against Humanity Press release: The Syrian Network...

On the Universal Children’s Day: At Least 29,017 Children Have Been Killed in Syria since March 2011

85% of These by Syrian Regime Forces and Its Allies Press release: In its latest report released today to mark the UN’s annual Universal Children’s Day,...

Violent Military Escalation in Northwest Syria Despite the Convening of the Constitutional Committee Meetings

56 civilians, including 19 Children, Were Killed by Syrian-Russian Alliance Forces in 16 Days Press release: In its latest report, released today, the Syrian Network for...

The Most Notable Violations by the Parties Participating in the Constitutional Committee Within the First Week of Its Sessions

The Continuing Perpetration of War Crimes by the Syrian Regime and Its Allies Is Further Evidence of Insulting the Constitution and the International Community Press...

Brief Report: After Its Secretary of State Announced That the Syrian Regime Again Used Chemical Weapons, the USA Should Implement Its Red Line Pledge

Through Its Repeated Use of Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction, the Syrian Regime Shows It Is a Threat to the World and Humanity, Not...

Documentation of 72 Torture Methods the Syrian Regime Continues to Practice in Its Detention Centers and Military Hospitals

Identifying 801 Individuals Who Appeared in Caesar Photographs, the US Congress Must Pass the Caesar Act to Provide Accountability Press release: The Syrian Network for Human...

Russian Forces Killed 6,686 Civilians, including 1,928 Children, Since the Start of Their Military Intervention in Syria

Russia Can’t Be Trusted in Any Political or Reconstruction Process After Committing Hundreds of War Crimes, and Hasn’t Apologized or Compensated Any Victims Languages Available In ...

3,037 Civilians, including 924 Children, killed by Coalition Forces Since Their Intervention Began in Syria Five Years Ago

International Coalition Against ISIS Must Immediately Begin Compensating Victims and Preparing for Local Elections in Northeastern Syria BY: Amnesty International - 25/04/2019 Press release: The Syrian...

Syrian Democratic Forces Breach US and European Sanctions and Support the Syrian Regime with Oil and Gas

Investigation Must Be Launched to Disclose the Expenditure of Oil and Gas Revenues, with Fears These Are Being Used to Fund Terrorism Press release: The Syrian...

Satellite Images Obtained by SNHR Prove the Extent of Massive Destruction Inflicted on Khan Sheikhoun City

The Goal of the Russian-Syrian Alliance Is to Implement the Grozny and Eastern Ghouta Model and to Destroy as Many Buildings as Possible to...


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