Thematic Reports

Syrian Regime’s Chemical Terrorism Hits Syrians for the 211th Time

After Diminishing the American Red Line, the Syrian Regime Diminishes France’s Initiative SNHR said in its report, which was released today, that the Syrian regime...

Russian Forces Have Killed 5,783 Civilians, Including 1,596 Children

Russia Needs to Apologize and Reconstruct what it Had Destroyed if it Wishes to Have a Political Influence Since the very first days of the...

The Annual Report for Most Notable Violations of Human Rights in Syria in 2017

A Displaced People and a State Left in Ruins english/Info_Most_Notable_Violations_of_Human_Rights_in_Syria_in_2017_en.pdf

The Annual Report for Most Notable Violations of Human Rights in Syria in 2017

A Displaced People and a State Left in Ruins SNHR has released its annual special report for the year 2017 which was entitled: “A Displaced...

329 Civilians Killed, including 79 Children, in Two Months of Escalation in Eastern Ghouta

The Security Council is in Deep Sleep SNHR said in a report released today, “The Security Council is in Deep Sleep”, that 329 civilians were...

A High Human and Material Cost to Rid a Part of al Boukamal Area of ISIS

411 Civilians Killed, including 124 Children and Nearly 200,000 Displaced SNHR said in a report released today, entitled: “A High Human and Material Cost to...

The Syrian Regime Has Dropped Nearly 70,000 Barrel Bombs on Syria

The Ruthless Bombing SNHR has released a report entitled: “The Ruthless Bombing” which documents that Syrian regime forces has dropped nearly 70,000 barrel bombs since...

Russian Forces Perpetrated a Huge Massacre in a De-Escalation Zone

79 Civilians Killed, Including Eight Children in a Russian Bombing on al Atareb Town SNHR has said in a report released today that Russian forces...

Russian Airstrikes Have Targeted Relief Warehouses in Western Aleppo Suburbs

Killing 22 Civilians including Four Children and Seven Women in a Massacre in Batabo Village SNHR has released a report entitled: “Russian Airstrikes Have Targeted...

Ridding Raqqa of ISIS Costed Extraordinarily Too Much in Lives and Resources

2,371 Civilians Killed, Including 562 Children, and Nearly Half a Million Displaced SNHR has noted in a report, “Ridding Raqqa of ISIS Costed Extraordinarily Too...


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