Thematic Reports

22,823 Women Killed in Syria since March 2011

Living in Deprivation On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, SNHR has released its expanded annual report on the violations against...

23,863 Children Killed in Syria since March 2011

The Bleeding Innocence On the United Nations Universal Children’s Day, SNHR has released its yearly special report that documents the violations against children by the...

The Syrian Regime Bombs a Kindergarten and Kills Nine Children

We Want to Hear a Condemnation from the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Office of the United Nations Special Envoy SNHR has released...

A Russian Bombardment Targets the Faculty of Medicine Building in Kafr Takhareem

The United Nation’s Inaction on the Targeting of the University will Incite more Crimes The targeting of vital civil facilities and educational facilities by the...

The Syrian Regime Targets Children in Schools

38 Civilians Killed in a Bombing on Three Schools in Hass Village in Idlib governorate SNHR has released the report: “The Syrian Regime Targets Children...

Russian Forces are Locating Medical Centers to Target them

A Russian Airstrike Renders the only Working Hospital in Sarja Town out of Commission Never before has it been witnessed in modern history that medical...

Russian Forces Breach Idlib City Truce

64 Civilians Killed as the City Market was Bombed I. Introduction Idlib city has been under the joint control of armed opposition factions and Fateh Al...

649 individuals Killed at the Hands of the International Coalition Forces including 244 Children and 132 Women

The only Way to Defeat ISIS is to Ally with the whole Syrian People SNHR has released the report: “The only Way to Defeat ISIS...

Detailed Account of One Month of Syrian-Russian Attacks on the Neighborhoods of Eastern Aleppo

Human Rights Council must hold the Security Council Responsible for the Mounting War Crimes in Syria SNHR has published the report:” Detailed Account of One...

Detailed Account of the Russian-Syrian Attacks on the Neighborhoods of Eastern Aleppo after 25 Days of the Second Cessation of Hostilities Statement

The Security Council has to Prevent a Second Rwandan Genocide in Syria SNHR has released the report: “Detailed Account of the Russian-Syrian Attacks on the...


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