Thematic Reports

Government Forces are still Targeting Popular Markets

No less than 35 Individuals Killed in the Massacre of Ma’aret Al Nu’man City SNHR has published the report: “Government Forces are still Targeting Popular...

Jund Al Aqsa affiliated to Al Nusra Front is Responsible for Burning the Buses in Idlib

Tuesday 13 December 2016, the Russian regime, in coordination with the Turkish regime, announced a ceasefire agreement inside the neighborhoods of Aleppo city that...

Government Forces and the Fighting Shiite Militias Breach Aleppo Agreement Multiple Times

SNHR has published a report on the violations that were committed during the evacuation operations of Eastern Aleppo’s neighborhoods. The report was entitled: “Government...

No less than 100 thousand civilians’ fate is unknown after the regime seized control over 95% of eastern Aleppo neighborhoods

Since the middle of November 2016 until today, the Syrian regime forces and foreign Shiite militias fighting with him along with Russian warplanes support...

UN has to Ensure the Safety and Fate of IDPs from Aleppo’s Eastern Neighborhoods

Since the second Cessation of Hostilities ceasefire ended on 19 September 2016, the bombing and destruction by the Syrian and Russian regimes haven’t stopped...

22,823 Women Killed in Syria since March 2011

Living in Deprivation On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, SNHR has released its expanded annual report on the violations against...

23,863 Children Killed in Syria since March 2011

The Bleeding Innocence On the United Nations Universal Children’s Day, SNHR has released its yearly special report that documents the violations against children by the...

The Syrian Regime Bombs a Kindergarten and Kills Nine Children

We Want to Hear a Condemnation from the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Office of the United Nations Special Envoy SNHR has released...

A Russian Bombardment Targets the Faculty of Medicine Building in Kafr Takhareem

The United Nation’s Inaction on the Targeting of the University will Incite more Crimes The targeting of vital civil facilities and educational facilities by the...

The Syrian Regime Targets Children in Schools

38 Civilians Killed in a Bombing on Three Schools in Hass Village in Idlib governorate SNHR has released the report: “The Syrian Regime Targets Children...


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