Thematic Reports

Syrian Vital Facilities Which Was Targeted by the Russian Forces since its Military Intervention

Not less than 243 Deliberate or Random Shelling SNHR issued expanded report in which it showed the documented incidents of targeting the civilian vital facilities...

The Government Forces Targeted Residential Areas in ISIS-controlled Areas

Two consecutive massacres in Al Raqqa I- Introduction In this report we document the perpetration of the governmental forces of two massacres in Al Raqqa on...

Not less than 396 Major Breaches during the Second Round of Negotiations

93% of them by the Syrian regime and its allies SNHR issued a report in which it documented at least 396 breaches during the second...

Armed Opposition Factions’ attacks on Neighborhoods in Aleppo city

I- Introduction: SNHR issued "the red death" report on 1st of May which talked about bombardment of government and Russian forces on Aleppo city, in...

The Governmental and Russian Forces burn Aleppo Province

"The Red Death" I. Introduction: The neighborhoods of Aleppo Province, which is under the control of the armed opposition factions, witnessed daily bombardment by Syrian and...

The continuing siege of “Daraya” and “Al Wa’er Neighborhood”: Repeated Violations of the Cessation of Hostilities and the Security Council Resolutions

SNHR issued a report in which it documented the continuing siege of Daraya and Al Wa'er neighborhood despite the cessation of hostilities is commenced....

ISIL’s Torture and Detention Centers

“The Black Bottom” SNHR issued ''The Black Bottom'' report regarding ISIL's torture and detention centers in Syria. The report stated that ISIL had established secret or...

The Enslavement Mob of Syrian Women in Lebanon: Rape of 45 Syrian Women

"Bitterness of Humiliation" SNHR issued "Bitterness of Humiliation" report which documented the enslavement of 45 Syrian women in Lebanon by rival and widespread mobs which...

The Most Notable Violations of Cessation of Hostilities: Shelling and Massacres in “Deir Assafeir” town at the hands of government forces

Conducting an investigation is a must and perpetrators must be held accountable I- Introduction SNHR observed the violations of the Agreement on Cessation of Hostilities and...

129 Individuals Killed and Not Less than 896 Documented Breaches

since the beginning of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement SNHR issued a report that recorded the statistic of violations since the beginning of the Cessation...


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