Thematic Reports

Russian Forces Shell Civilian Regions ISIL Controlled Lands

The Killing of 99 Civilians during 24 Hours in Deir Al Zour I- Introduction: Khsham and Al Tabyi Jazeera towns and are located in the...

The Syrian Regime Uses Toxic Gases Again and Violates UNSC Resolutions 2118, 2209, and 2235

“Russia’s Inadequate Assurance” SNHR issued its 24th documentation report about the use of chemical gases in Syria by government forces mainly. The report stated that...

New Attacks by the International Coalition Forces Result in Losses and Civilian Victims

The Killing of 267 Civilians at the hands of The International Coalition I- Introduction Since the US-led international coalition commenced its military intervention on Syria...

Russian cannot be a Part in the Political Solution in Syria and an Accomplice in Crimes at the Same Time

Russian Forces killed 99 civilians in 72 hours in Ma’art Al No’man City in Idlib I- Introduction: Ma’art Al No’man City is located in Idlib governorate,...

The Most Significant Human Rights Violations by Kurdish Democratic Union Party and the Kurdish Self-Management Forces

I- Introduction: Kurdish forces joined other conflict parties in Syria when YPG forces, (the armed wing of the PYD party), established the Kurdish Self-Management...

Documentation of a Massacre: 48 Civilians Killed due to Russian Shelling on a Residential Building in Al Ghanto Town

I- Introduction: Al Ghanto town is located near Talbisa city in northern Homs Suburbs and the number of its inhabitants is almost 15 thousand...

The Lethal Ceasefire: “The Death of 63 Civilians, 21 amongst Which Died From Hunger in Madaya”

Syrian government forces (army, security forces, local and foreign militias) use hunger as a weapon of war for years in regions under the control...

Russian Forces Breach UN Security Council Resolution 2254 and Kills Idlib Residents

The Death of 42 civilians, including a child and two women at the hands of Russian Forces in Idlib I- Introduction: Since 28 March 2015,...

Russian Forces Kill 570 Civilians, including 152 Children and 60 Women

“They Came to Kill Us” I- Introduction: The Russian military intervention added insult to injury for Syrian people where it was supposed to alleviate one...

Russian Forces Destroy a Market in Areeha and Kill its People

Following the Steps of the Syrian Regime I- Introduction: Areeha city is located southern to Idlib city, eastern to Jisr Al Shoughour and northern to Ma’art...


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