Thematic Reports

Four Years Harvest: Most Notable Human Rights Violations in Syria

First: Report Methodology The Syrian Network for Human Rights is a human rights organization founded in June 2011. SNHR is a neutral independent non-governmental, non-profit...

The International Alliance Responsible for the Deaths of 103 Civilians, Including 11 Children and 11 Women

The International Alliance Victims Toll Introduction: The International Alliance forces continue the air strikes that started in September 23rd, 2014 against ISIS, on the locations, centers,...

Erosion of Jasmine

The Syrian Woman’s Suffering in Light of International Women’s Day Introduction The Syrian woman has been actively involved in the various aspects of the Syrian revolution...

Resolution 2118 was violated 71 Times at Least

“The Implementation of Resolutions is more Important than Adopting it” Over the course of our work at SNHR in documenting the Syrian government’s violations of...

Government Forces’ Use of Barrel Bombs a Year after Security Council Resolution 2139 was Adopted

When The Security Council is unable to implement its resolutions Introduction By daily observing and recording the violations after the beginning of the popular protests in...

Executions by burning

A Practice By Syrian Government Forces Syrian regime forces, pro-government forces and foreign militias have widely adopted the practice of execution by burning and the...

Eastern Ghouta is Targeted by an Indiscriminate Killing Campaign

143 civilians were killed including 28 women and 29 children in five days Introduction Government forces have perpetrated many crimes against humanity, through its daily killings,...

Most Prominent Massacres Perpetrated by Shiite Militias in Syria

“It barely goes unnoticed” Introduction The first extremist foreign militias to emerge in Syria were’t Daesh or An-Nussra Front where months before their emergence, non-Arabic fighters...

Detailed Account of 2014

Languages Available In English عربي   Methodology The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) is an independent nongovernmental nonprofit human rights organization that was founded in 2011 to...

Violations against Journalists in 2014 – A Black Year

17 journalists were killed, 43 were kidnapped and arrested, and 15 were injured First: Executive summary Violations against journalists were distributed as follows: • First: Killing: SNHR...


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