Thematic Reports

The Documentation of Al Karak Al Sharqi Town Massacre in Daraa city

On Thursday June 27, 2013, government forces warplanes bombed the civilian neighborhoods targeting a building that housed IDPs which resulted in a massacre.   SNHR team...

Documentation of Haran Al Awameed Village Massacre in Rif Dimashq

Haran Al Awameed village is located in Duma 25 km to the east of Damascus from the east the valleys of Al Rabe’a and...

Slaughtering of Citizens as They Passed through Pro-Syrian Regime Sectarian Villages

Abducting and slaughtering victims is becoming a more and more frequent occurrence, where civilian cars pass through pro-regime sectarian villages. We receive reports about...

A Comprehensive Report on the Use of Chemical Weapons by the -Syrian Regime

18 Times in Five Syrian Governorates Production and use of chemical and biological weapons, in all of its forms and kinds, are prohibited according to...

Military Security Branch in Homs kills dozens every death under torture and then bury the bodies

Syrian Network for Human Rights documented at least 2571 Syrian citizens have been tortured to death after detention in all of Syrian Governorates including...

Using Chemical Weapons by Syrian Government’s 14 Times in 5 Provinces

Syrian Network for Human Rights' team conducted separate investigation for each case of using chemical weapons by Syrian Armed Forces inside Syrian territories. The team...

‏Research about using Syrian Government for more than 131 long-range surface to surface missiles in shelling Syrian Governorates

Introduction: Does anyone in Syria, except Syrian Government's Armed Forces, have long-range surface to surface missile?? In Iraq: United State of America considered Scud missiles as...

A Special report on the Disastrous Situation in Al Hajar Al Aswad neighborhood in Damascus

Government forces has imposed a siege on Al Hajar Al Aswad neighborhood on Thursday 13/12/2012. As of this writing, it banned food and medical...

The Massacre of Kafr Hamra town in Aleppo Suburbs

Kafr Hamra is located in the northern suburbs of Aleppo and it is approximately four kilometers away from Aleppo city   On Sunday, June 2, 2013,...

The Documentation of Yabrood City Massacre in Damascus Suburbs

A testimony of eyewitness who was at time of the bombardment. He is called Abu Mohamad Al Yabroodi and he is still alive: It is...


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