
Sochi Conference Threatens Syria Peace Process

BY: Russia has announced that it will host a “Syrian Congress on National Dialogue” in Sochi. The undersigned organizations believe that such a Conference...

Syrian Civil Society Demand Accountability for Ongoing Human Rights Violations

To mark International Human Rights Day, Syrian civil society activists are demanding accountability for the systematic human rights violations carried out against the...

A Long Way to Go… Post-Revolution and Post-War … A Dream that Brings Us Together…

Today, 9 December 2017, marks four years since the forced disappearance of Razan Zaitouneh, Wael Hamada, Samira Khalil and Nazem Hamadi. After four years,...

Most Notable Violations in November 2017

As usual with the start of every month, SNHR has released eight reports at the start of December 2017, documenting the most notable violations...

Statement by Syrian human rights organizations on the invitation to the Civil Society Support Room in Geneva

On November 21, 2017, several Syrian human rights organizations received official invitations to attend the Civil Society Support Room (CSSR) meetings in Geneva on...

Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect: UN Security Council Vetoes are Normalizing Chemical Warfare

By: Picture-alliance/Zuma Press. Yesterday, 16 November, for the tenth time since Syria’s civil war began, Russia vetoed a draft resolution at the UN Security Council...

Most Notable Violations in October 2017

As usual with the start of every month, SNHR has released eight reports at the start of November 2017, documenting the most notable violations...

Fearing for the Lives of Nearly 750 Trapped Civilians in Deir Ez-Zour

Syrian Democratic Forces Have to Immediately Allow Trapped People to Flee to their Areas of Control Since mid-August 2017, Syrian regime forces and their pro-regime...

On the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, We Demand Justice for the Souls of at least 634 Citizen Journalists

SNHR noted today, which marks the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, that no less than 634 journalists and citizen journalists...

To guarantor states of the de-escalation agreements, international donors, humanitarian Leadership and UN agencies

Soruce: AMER ALMOHIBANY / AFP Syrian NGOs signing below received the news about de-escalation zones agreements between conflict parties in and around E. Ghouta...


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