
Security Council Has to Push towards Renewing the Mandate of the Investigative Mechanism

Veto Shouldn’t be Used Pragmatically The OPCW-UN Joint Investigative Mechanism (JIM) was established pursuant to Security Council Resolution 2235 in August 2015 following the Security...

Serious concerns over the lives of detainees in Homs Central Prison

Hundreds of arbitrarily detained persons engage in a hunger strike to demand their release 520 persons arbitrarily detained in Homs Central Prison began a hunger...

Humanitarian Aid Urgently Needed for IDPs in Eastern Syria

The recent campaign to uproot ISIS in Raqqa and Dier Ezzor has made major strides tackling terrorism. But a widespread failure to protect...

Horrya Press’s interview with Fadel Abdul Ghany, chairman of SNHR

1- Working in documentation has its fair share of risks, seeing that it requires a high level of impartiality, what are that most notable...

Most Notable Violations in September 2017

SNHR has released eight reports at the start of October 2017, documenting the most notable violations that were perpetrated by the seven parties to...

Participating in a Workshop Held by Brookings Doha Center on Transitional Justice in Processes of Political Transitions in the Arab World

SNHR was invited by Brookings Doha Center to take part in a concentrated workshop on “Political Transition in Processes of Political Transitions in...

Over 5,000 Syrian Civilians Killed by Russia Since 2015

Photo by: Russian Ministry of Defense As Russia enters its third year of intervention in Syria, the Syrian Network for Human Rights has released...

SNHR Holds a Presentation for Armed Opposition Factions on Recent Commission of Inquiry Report

On the invitation of the Center for Humanitarian Dialogue, SNHR gave an extensive lecture on the most recent Commission of Inquiry Report on...

Civilian Deaths Surge in Fight Against ISIS

Civilian casualties as a result of International Coalition aerial bombardment have more than doubled in the last year, bringing the total number of...

Syrian civil society message to world leaders at UN General Assembly

justice and accountability are a precondition to lasting peace By: AFP/“Scanpix“ nuotr As world leaders gather in New York at the 72nd session of the...


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