
Mazin Darwish transfered from Damascus central prison to an undisclosed place

Languages Available In English عربي   The Syrian authorities have transferred the journalist and human rights activist Mazin Darwish from Damascus central prison -Adra prison-, where he...

47 Forced Recruitment Cases Recorded in Jabla in One Day

Languages Available In English عربي   On Friday 12 December, about 200 government forces soldiers surrounded Al-Fayd neighborhood, located in Jabla city. Government forces surrounded the neighborhood...

On Human Rights Day, More than 75% of the Victims in Syria are Civilians

Languages Available In English عربي   A fourth Human Rights Day passes and the bloodbath is still ceaseless in Syria where civilians are paying the dearest prices...

General Assembly of The United Nations Condemns The Iranian and Syrian Regimes… What happens next?

This is not the first time the General Assembly of the United Nations condemned the Syrian regime as it had done that on many...

Three Human Rights Activists Suffer Torture and Unknown Fate by Syrian Authorities

Languages Available In English عربي   On Friday, 31 October 2014, Syrian intelligence arrested three human rights activists from the immigration office on the Syrian-Lebanese borders. The...

The Execution of the British Hostage Alan Henning

Languages Available In English عربي   The humanitarian workers in Syria were devastated once again by the brutality and the exceptional injustice that the criminals in Syria...

The Syrian Regime is Using Water Cutting as a Weapon of War

Languages Available In English عربي   On Tuesday 9 September, 2014, the Syrian regime has cut off completely the water in Al-Yarmouk camp and some other areas...

Individuals responsible for the poisoning cases must be identified and held accountable

Languages Available In English عربي   On Tuesday 16 September, 2014 during the vaccination campaign in the liberated areas, the Syrians were shocked by the death of...

A Humanitarian call by the families of Zwara boat victims

Languages Available In English عربي   On Sunday 24 August, 2014 Zwara boat sank near the Italian coasts. Out of the 712 people who were on the...

The International Community is responsible for Steven Sotloff’s blood

On 19 August, 2014 Human Rights and media activists in Syria and around the world were devastated by the video that was published by...


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