HomeStatementsJoint StatementsAs Ceasefire is Ignored, Syrian Civil Society Demand Enforcement

As Ceasefire is Ignored, Syrian Civil Society Demand Enforcement



Syrian warplanes continue to target civilians despite a Security Council resolution establishing a 30-day nationwide ceasefire, dashing Syrian hopes for a much-needed reduction in violence. With Russia and Syria now brazenly disregarding binding Security Council decisions – the latest of which Russia actively voted for – Syrians are calling for international action to end the campaign of annihilation being carried out against innocent civilians.
UN Security Council resolution 2401 calls for an immediate nationwide cessation of hostilities, immediate and unhindered nationwide humanitarian aid access and the end of sieges. Yet 48 hours after its adoption, the ceasefire has yet to be implemented, the bombing continues and civilian deaths rise further.
“There is nothing about the reality on the ground that resembles a ceasefire”, warns Fadel Abdul Ghany, chairperson of the Syrian Network for Human Rights. “In the first two days of the so-called ‘ceasefire’, the Syrian regime has used chlorine gas, dropped more than 40 barrel bombs, and killed more than 50 civilians – among them 17 children and 12 women.”
“Without clear mechanisms to ensure compliance, this resolution will never address the extraordinary suffering Syrian civilians are enduring. Russia and Assad have proven their willingness to break international law, violate their own agreements, sabotage diplomatic efforts, and abuse basic human rights time and again”, Mr Abdul Ghany continues. “Resolutions alone are not enough to protect the Syrian people. We need concrete action to make the words of the resolution a reality.”

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