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Harmoon Center for Contemporary Studies Hosts SNHR’s Chairman in A Forum Entitled ‘10 Years of Violations of the Rights of Syrians: Documentation and Accountability’



Tuesday, February 9, 2021: The Harmoon Center for Contemporary Studies held a forum on Tuesday entitled ‘10 Years of Violations of the Rights of Syrians: Documentation and Accountability’, hosting both Mr. Fadel Abdul Ghany, the chairman of the Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR), and Ms. Reem al Ksiri, the director of the Syrian women’s international initiative, with Mr. Omar Edlbi, the director of the Harmoon Center’s Doha Branch, moderating the dialogue.
The forum addressed human rights violations perpetrated in Syria over the past ten years, including crimes against humanity, war crimes and others, and the level of regional and international media interest in what is happening in Syria in terms of the human suffering of IDPs and refugees, as well as issues of justice and accountability for criminals, and presented the most prominent human rights violations seen in 2020, according to the SNHR’s Tenth Annual Report, which affirmed that despite the decrease of violations in 2020 compared to previous years, they remain the highest in the world, with crimes against humanity still occurring.
The forum also outlined the most prominent violations that Syrian women have been subjected to, and their impact on women from multiple aspects, as well as highlighting the criminal responsibility, including the responsibility of the state, officials in leadership positions, and individual perpetrators, for these crimes.
The participants in the forum emphasized the importance of documenting crimes, despite the failure of the international community, noting that this documentation constitutes conclusive evidence of the occurrence of violations, including massacres against civilians, bombardment, displacement, and the numerous other types of violations committed in Syria, stressing the need to restore these issues to their proper status internationally as vitally important subjects, in addition to the need to increase networking with local, regional and international organizations, in order to revive the Syrian issue and ensure its prominent place at the global decision-makers’ table to make this a priority for their agendas, noting that this is the responsibility of all Syrians.

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