HomeStatementsOpinionPopular Resentment Against Russia Has Multiplied after its Direct Military Intervention

Popular Resentment Against Russia Has Multiplied after its Direct Military Intervention



Fadel Abdul Ghany, founder and chairman of the Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR), has stressed that any pluralistic political regime that is to assume the mantle in Syria will “seek vengeance”, with everything it has, for what Russia has done in its country. The eventual dethroning of the Syrian regime, Abdul Ghany noted, will result in a deteriorated relationship between the Syrians and the Russians even on the popular level, adding that their interests will receive a big backlash from the Syrians. Consequently, Abdul Ghany concluded that it is unlikely that Russia will get out of Syria anytime soon, even in the long future. However, the Syrian opposition can do a lot to alleviate the impact of the Russian aggression, Abdul Ghany believes.
When asked if Russia has achieved victory by winning the Syrian regime to their side but losing the people, Abdul Ghany, who is chairman of SNHR that is concerned with documenting the various violations in Syria, told Geroun, “In terms of winning and losing, and from a strategic standpoint, it is safe to say that the Russians have surely lost all love left in the Syrians’ heart, and that is just not because of their direct military involvement that started on 30 September 2015, but since the start of the popular uprising in March 2011, when the Russians asserted their unrestricted and equivocal support for the Assad regime, justifying its actions, and using the veto four times in a row to save it. However, the popular resentment has multiplied after Syrian blood has been shed directly by their forces. The Russians, undoubtedly, realize that, and that is why they are very keen on keeping the Syrian regime alive and that a fair settlement never comes to pass. Either the Syrian regime stays fully in power or an unfair settlement is reached in which the Syrian regime receives the greatest share. After the settlement, they will continue to intervene supporting the regime’s greatest share to maintain their interests. Otherwise, if the Syrian regime, I think, falls, whether partially or completely, investments and cultural relationships will terribly deteriorate, as well as tourism. Those aspects will even receive a strong backlash from hundreds of Syrian families who have been stricken by the grief of losing their beloved ones and had their houses destroyed by Russian forces.”

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