Syrian Network For Human Rights

Syrian Network for Human Rights is an independent, neutral, non-governmental, non-profit human rights organization, which aims to document the ongoing human rights violations in Syria, and periodically issuing reports, studies and researches by applying the highest-levels of objectivity and professionalism, as a first step in order to expose and hold perpetrators accountable, and to ensure the victims' rights

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Most Prominent massacres committed by government forces against civilians in 2013

Languages Available In English عربي   As well known among human rights activists, there are many definitions of the massacre, but the most common one is the...

observing and documenting of exposing of the fleeing civilians from Bait Saham to shooting fire and killing by Syrian government forces.

Wednesday noon, 18 October 2013, government forces opened fire randomly against unarmed civilians while they were trying to flee from Bait Saham area which...

Major violations of media freedom in Syria in December 2013

Languages Available In English عربي   First: Summary Violations committed against media activists for this month distributed as follows: 1- Kill: 14 victims of media activists and journalists, Syrian...

Syria death toll in 2013

more than 40.000 victims killed by government forces 34949 are civilians including 4344 children, and 2921 ladies 1609 victims tortured to death Syrian Network...

bombardment, killing, siege and storming Al Nabak city by government forces and its pro militias

Introduction: Al Nabek city located in Rif Dimashq, north of the Capital, south of Al Nabek the town of Yabroud, to the north the town...

Air Strikes are the Main Way of Killing

Documenting the Syrian governmental forces shelling on Ad-Dmeer city in Damascus countryside Languages Available In English عربي   The methodology of the report is based on the investigations...


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